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First, put the smallest to sleep. Make sure it is comfortable, preferably put it in a crib. Then put the biggest to sleep

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Q: What order do you put the dogs to sleep?
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How do you put the dog to sleep on petz dogs?

you can't

What do you do when dogs are about to die?

You can take them to the vet and have them put to sleep

How do you put your dogs to sleep on touch pets?

by the side

What persent of dogs are being put to sleep?

a lot but i think it wrong

What is the music to make the dogs go to sleep on mythology?

To get the dogs to sleep, play your flute in this order: blue green yellow blue red green.

If they are nothing wrong with dogs in the pound why are they put to sleep?

because the dogs will start to get a larger amount and there will be little room for all the dogs

Were can goldon retrivers sleep?

All dogs can pretty much sleep anywhere. At a pet store you can buy a "dog pillow" that you can put just about anywhere. Whether the dog will sleep on it or not is a different story. Most dogs will sleep on the bed with you.

How many rescue dogs are put down?

According to a 2011 Humane Society of the United States survey, four million cats and dogs from US shelters are put to sleep every year. According to statistics of the same survey, one animal is out to sleep every eight seconds. The ASPCA also did a survey, determining that only one out of every three shelter dogs gets adopted, and two are put to sleep; so two thirds of shelter dogs are put to sleep . Depressing, I know.

How do you cure the dog flu?

You can put the dog to sleep so that it will not infect other dogs.

When you sleep with dogs you get fleece?

The expression is : "When you sleep with dogs you get fleas."

How many dogs are put to sleep in Arizona each week?

you know i am pretty sure you can google that

What does euthanized mean like some dogs are eventully euthanized?

When a dog is euthanized it is put to sleep.