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rhesus monkeys

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Q: What or who where the subjects used by harry and Margaret Harlow in their experiment on the importance of early learning?
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What general subject was Margaret Preston interested in?

Aboriginal subjects and still-lifes.

What is compass learni?

it's learning about different subjects.

Is spelling good for learning math and other subjects in school?

other subjects in school dumbo

What is the benefit of using placebos in an experiment?

all subjects receive treatment's

What is an open experiment?

an experiment where the subjects know what is going on. they are not tricked or fooled with any tactics to increase validity such as placebos etc.

What are some fun subjects to learn?

science is a really fun subject, you get to experiment!

What is the importance of music in cultural indentity?

The importance of music in cultural identity is that it gives the given subjects a sense of belonging.

In an experiment the subjects or items being investigated are divided into the experimental group and?

the control group

If a related measures experiment and matched subject experiment both produce t statistics with degrees of freedom of 20 which experiment used more subjects?

The matched subject because the experiment involves pairs which halves the df.

Why is it wrong for a researcher to assign the first subjects to show up for an experiment to the experimental group and the second group of subjects to arrive to the control group?

Assigning subjects based on arrival time can introduce bias into the study, as there could be systematic differences between subjects arriving early and those arriving late. This could confound the results of the experiment and make it difficult to determine the true effect of the treatment. It is essential to randomly assign subjects to experimental and control groups to ensure the groups are comparable at the start of the study.

Explain the importance of how a wave length is created?

Wave length's are one of the most fundamental subjects in physics effecting sound, light and water for example. Learning how the wave length was created allows one to learn much about sound and light.

Who created a psychological experiment where he made his subjects think they were shocking other people?

Stanley Milgram.