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Bunnies love, radicchio, endive, dutch carrot tops (occasionally), silver beet, spinach (occasionally), basil, parsley, collard greens, mint, mustard greens, , cilantro, mint, strawberry leaves, raspberry leaves, wheat grass, and dandelion leaves and flowers.

They need a good mixture of those veggies fed in relation to their weight. About 1.5 cups of vegetables per kilogram of body weight each day. Only a small amount of pellets, about three tablespoons. Ignore anyone who says rabbits need tonnes of pellets : my vet says no to pellets. They will make your rabbit fat and sick if you give too much. And they need unlimited timothy or oaten hay.

Also grass gives them gas, and rabbits can't fart or burp, so too much grass is a bad thing. Domestic rabbits are nothing like wild rabbits, as they've evolved differently. And rabbits do need to be protected from poisonous things as they do not know whether something is poisonous or not. They test their environment with their teeth. And of course, always have lots of clean fresh water for your bunny. And no iceberg lettuce! It gives them diarrhea.

As treats small amounts of fruits like strawberries, apples (but not the seeds, which are poisonous), Pears, cherries, blueberries, grapes and bananas. Definitely not too much, because sugar is bad for rabbits and can make them really sick. Fruit and pellets are junk food for bunnies.

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14y ago
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15y ago

NEVER give rabbits chocolate!
You want to also avoid:
Rhubarb leaves
Raw lima, kidney or soy beans
Citrus peels

Calla lily
Jack in the pulpit

Here is a list of VERY toxic plants that rabbits should NEVER eat
Angels Trumpet
Black Acacia and Locast
Bleeding Heart
Carolinia Jasmine
Castor Beans
Christmas Beans
China Berry
Coffee Tree Plant
Easter Lily
Heavenly Bamboo
Holly Berries
Jerusalem cherry
Licorice plant
Lily of the valley
Morning glory
Mountain laurel
Pea family
Pig weed
Potato plant
String of pearls
Thorn apple

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15y ago

any and all human foods must be avoided
avoid iceberg lettuce (yes, despite what you may have been told)
do not let them chew on household plants (can be poisonous)
NO peas, seeds, corn, onions or chocolate

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13y ago

There are so many foods that rabbits can't have that it's better to ask the opposite (what they CAN have) and go from there.

See the related questions/links below for more information.

An INCOMPLETE list of some things rabbits shouldn't have includes:

  • "Human" foods (processed foods)
  • Grains (there are some exceptions, but only in small amounts)
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Tomato vines, stems, or leaves
  • Fruit (some fruits are okay as a treat, but not a regular part of the diet)
  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Drugs, medications (except those prescribed by a special "rabbit savvy" vet; one exception may be Simethicone but only when used properly and in the proper amounts and formula)
  • Beans
  • Corn (especially never fresh corn; milled dried corn is okay in small amounts, like as an ingredient in pellets)
  • Daffodil bulbs, tulip bulbs, and other flower bulbs
  • Pine, cedar, some other woods
  • Potato (especially never raw potato, or the eyes, shoots, or green parts)
  • Meat products, by-products
  • Dairy products
  • Peas
  • Tobacco
  • Yucca
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15y ago

Don't ever give them chocolate. It is lethal for rabbits

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14y ago

Rabbits, like all herbivores, will not eat what is not good for them. In fact the only animals that habitually will eat what is not good for them, are people and dogs.

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9y ago

Beans,iceberglettuce,chocolate,candy,human food

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12y ago

carrots lettuce pellets parsley etc

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Will a rabbit eat beans?

They will eat anything they can get their teeth on, but feeding beans to a rabbit is unhealthy and I very much recommend you don't give beans to a rabbit.

Is there any fruit or vegetable you shouldn't give a rabbit to eat?

Lettuce!! NEVER EVER feed a rabbit lettuce

Can rabbits eat salted biscets?

No, never give your rabbit anything salted.

Does a rabbit eat corn?

It's okay to give them a few kernels of it, but not to much

Can rabbits eat toasted rice?

A small amount is okay for the rabbit, but it shouldn't be a treat or on their diet. I'd assume you to only give about an inch or smaller. Not very big. If you decide to give a rabbit a large amount and it decides to eat all of it, it can harm the rabbit. It usually doesn't digest bread.

What won't a rabbit eat?

a rabbit will eat anything but plastic

What could rabbits eat if you don't own any rabbit food?

you can give the rabbit a bunch of grass or leaves,because rabbits are also forest animals

Will one rabbit eat another rabbit?

usually not... but a mother rabbit would eat her baby if it died

Can a rabbit eat a owl?

No, Rabbit's are herbivore's.

Do rabbits need to eat rabbit pellets or can they eat raw and fresh vegetables?

Pellets give the rabbit fiber and nutrients. You need to give your baby rabbits pellets. It is needed in adults but not needed as much. Vegetables are also important but try not to give your rabbit too much veggies. Make sure to give them plenty of hay.

Do rabbits eat?

Yes, rabbits eat. They have to if they wish to live. yeah! everything has to eat! they'll eat almost any type of vegetables but too much of something is dangerous for it, so go get it some rabbit feed, give the rabbit veggies as a treat or just a carrot or 2 a day

Will a Dutch rabbit eat her babies?

Depends on the mother--give her a quiet place as soon as possible. Any breed of rabbit will though. Usually happens with first time moms.