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It is inadvisable to make a habit of feeding wild animals at all, as they tend to come to rely on humans for their food.

Regardless, don't worry about what can or cannot be fed to them. If they don't like it, they will not eat it. This is presuming you have not illegally captured a ringtail possum. A registered carer would know what to feed one.

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Related questions

How do ring tail possums move?

On there footpads.

Does a ring tailed possums have venom?

No. A Ring-Tail Possum does not have venom.

Are ringtail possums endangered?

No. Ring-tail possums are not even close to being endangered.

What is the diet of the common ringtail possum?

Ring-tail possums are essentially omnivorous, meaning they will eat some types of vegetation, and some proteins. In the wild, they eat young shoots, leaves, flowers, nectar and fruit of a variety of trees and shrubs. They also feed on insects. Ring-tail possums also enjoy a feed of bread and honey put out by helpful suburban homeowners. However, it is best not to feed possums as they may become dependent on people for their food supply.

How big can brush tail possums get?

The possums can grow up to 70CM long

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Why are brushtail possums called that name?

Brushtail possums have a thick, bushy, brush-like tail.

What type of marsupials are ring tailed possums?

Ringtail possums belong to the Order Diprotodontia and the Suborder Phalangeriformes.

What eats a ringtail?

Ring-tail possums are essentially omnivorous, meaning they will eat some types of vegetation, and some proteins. In the wild, they eat young shoots, leaves, flowers, nectar and fruit of a variety of trees and shrubs. They also feed on insects. Ring-tail possums also enjoy a feed of bread and honey put out by helpful suburban homeowners. However, it is best not to feed possums as they may become dependent on people for their food supply.

Do possums eat pears?

Possums are expert climbers, and can use their prehensile tail quite well. They will readily eat pears.

How much fur does a ring tailed possums have?

a lot of fur

What climate do brushtail possums live in?

Brush-tail possums are comfortable in sub-alpine climates, through to temperate climates and sub-tropical.