

What noise does a pig make in Japan?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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same noise it makes every where else

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: What noise does a pig make in Japan?
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It means to make a noise that a Guinea pig makes. Or even more, the noise that a pig pig makes.

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What is a pig noise?

OINK OINK They usually make a snorting noise like someone snoring.

What is the noise of the pig called?

the noise of a pig is called a snort

Which makes more noise a guinea pig or a hamster?

A Ginnie pig makes SO much more noise than a hamster. Get a hamster they dont make a lot of noise and their so cuddley and cute!

Does a guniea pig make threatening noise?

Yes, its called chattering. They do this when angry.

When a pig is contended it makes a noise called?

They make a grunting noise when contented and if they are lying down and you sratch them they close their eyes and lean into you, like calves. Thats what my pig does anyway HI

What does it mean when guinea pig smells the air?

They could be sniffing in the air to make a noise

What noise does a guinea pig make when they are mating?

They purr and shake their hips. This is the mating dance.

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is the fat old pig making noise at home

How can you tell when a pig is about to have babies?

well it will grow in its abdomen and it will make an unlikely to make grunt noise say its in labour

What do you do when your guinea pig is giving birth?

leave them in peace and dont make noise allyson wrote this