

What noise does a bear make?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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12y ago

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its like a roar

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Q: What noise does a bear make?
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Does a polar bear make noise?

Yes. They moan a lot when they are hungry.

Why are bears called bears?

I would guess because when they make noise, it sounds like they are saying "bear." Just watch some YouTube videos...

How do you ward off a bear?

Make lots of noise like banging pots and pans or try to make yourself look as big as possible.

What are bear defenses?

Its Paws, Teeth, and noise

How do you spell the noise a bear makes?

The noise a bear makes is typically spelled as "roar" or "growl."

Does a build a bear have to have a noise?

No, it is all your choice weather you have one or not i made a build a bear and i did want a noise for my bear but it cost more so i didn't, witch i suggest, but like i said it is all your choice.

What noise does bear make?

They make a variety of sounds woofs, growls, and roaring like anger aggressive calls.

Where do you get the noise maker on build a bear ville?

friendship forest

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They make noise by making it.

Do not make a noise convert in to passive voice?

you are forbidden to make a noise

When was The Noise We Make created?

The Noise We Make was created in 2001.

What noise does a beetle make?

Beetles make a clicking noise!! (: (: (: (: