Yes. Black bears are hunters. They will eat any kind of edible meat.
Yes, some species of bears can eat meat, such as fish.
Yes of course! Black bears do eat plants and stuff but they eat meat as well. Not like the meathumans do that are cooked and stuff. Black bears as all other bears eat there pray! They would not just kill an animal and leave it! They will eat there pray, but how long it takes them to eat it depends on how hungry they are...
Because bears eat berries and they eat meat such as salmon.
Mommy Black and Grizzly bears have to protect her cubs from other bears. This does not require that it be tough times. Bears are opportunistic predator's, meaning if they can kill it easily they will eat it, and they don't care what meat it is.
The black mamo do not eat bears they are birds they eatnectar
An omnivore is an animal that can eat both plants and meat. Examples include bears, pigs, and humans.
Not necessarily, but if they are provoked they will attack people. They are not man eaters.
Black panthers do not have many enemies. Alligators and bears are known to eat black panthers and they are currently the only known meat eaters to do so.
no they eat seals and meat :)
They are omnivores. Bears eat both animal and plant matter.Although black bears are classified in the carnivore family, they exhibit characteristics that are predominately ominivoristic. A majority of their diet is non-meat.
It is possible that a bear would eat a woodpecker. Bears are carnivores and will eat any meat that they can get their hands on.