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Porcupines have quills.

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The porcupine and hedgehog

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Q: What mammal has spines or quills to protect itself?
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Why do hedgehog have Spines or quills?

First of all, they're called QUILLS! And it's to protect themselves.

Does a Spiny Bandicoot use its spines to protect itself from predators?

no it does not use spikes to protect itself

What is the name of the prickely things on a porcupines back?

Porcupines are rodents with spines (or quills as the are also known).

What is spines and armors?

its a protection which animal have to protect itself from the predator...

Why do hedgehogs have spines on their back?

to protect itself from creatures that could harm it.

What word is used to describe a porcupine's pointy spines?


Does a bunny have an endoskeleton or exoskeleton?

Neither, they have really pointy spines! Answer: The pointy spines are adaptations of their skin. Hedgehogs have a skeleton that is on the inside - therefore they have endoskeletons.

Do porcupines have spines?

i think so; otherwise the quills would not hold on

Are hedgehogs' spines hairs?

Yes, hedgehog quills are modified hairs.

What is the correct name beginning with the letter q for the spines of the echidna?

Spines IS the correct term when referring to the echidna. The questioner is probably looking for the answer "quills", but this word is usually used in reference to the porcupine. Echidnas and porcupines are not related at all. Therefore, echidnas have spines and porcupines have quills.

Do sea urchins have spines?

So that the sea urchin can protect itself from is enemies, it also has venomous spines. They also use their spines to kill other sea ceatures, so they can eat them.

Why does the hedgehog have snipes?

Hedgehog's spines are called quills. They are used for self-defense. Hedgehogs roll up into a ball and stick their quills out. They huff and jump, which pokes the quills into the attacker.