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Cat urine has a higher ammonia content than dog urine.

It is the ammonia that smells bad and stings your nose!

It will also smell stronger when an animal (cat or dog) "sprays" there territory.

Unaltered Male Cats and dogs will do this more often than females or altered animals.

Since cats are more territorial than dogs, they will be more likely to spray than dogs.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Male cat urine smells stronger than females as a fact, but it helps if they are fixed because it smells the strongest when their hormones are working.

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12y ago

Well it sorta comes out of their butts which they lick

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I think it is the chemical Ammonia

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Q: What makes cat urine smell so bad?
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Can cat urine make you blind?

Cat urine can stain clothing and smell bad, some people can actually be allergic to cat urine. Cat urine will not make you blind.

Is the smell of cat urine deadly to humans?

No, it is not. Cat urine may smell terrible, but it ultimately won't hurt you.

Can the smell of cat urine make you sick?

It can, if you have a strong sense of smell.

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Does cat urine smell different than dog urine?

when a cat is not neutered or spayed, the smell of urine can be overwhelming both for males and females, this is normally the reason for cats to mate, so if you do not want to hear the patter of little paws......neuter or spay your cats.

Why is cat urine fluorescent?

It isn't. Cat urine is not fluorescent, and it does not glow in the dark. I'm not sure where this myth comes from. Cat urine is yellow, like human urine. To the naked eye, it is indistinguishable from human urine, except for the smell. Cat urine is ammonia-based (unlike human urine) so it smells of ammonia.

How do you get the smell of cat urine out of ceramic tile?

It goes away when you fire it the 2nd after painting. you wont smell after

Why does cat urine clean grout?

It actually doesn't clean grout. Not unless you're feeding your cat ammonia or bleach, which is not only poisonous but also cruel. The smell of the urine will be deep-rooted into the grout and will encourage the cat (and other animals) to empty their bladders in that spot. Unless you clean it up properly. Cat urine stains grout and makes it smell, which is inviting to do it again. Cat urine does not clean anything, it is full of bacteria. If your "cat" does clean grout, get it to a zoologist immediately, it's probably an alien. Or, maybe someone washed the floor while you were asking these kind of questions?

Is ammonia normally found in urine?

Yes, Mainly in cat urine as they use it to mark their territory. Ammonia is what makes the urine smell, it can also make you high.

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Does fox urine smell like cat pee?

Foxes are cats nerd.

Why would a dog smell like cat urine?

Because the dog rolled in it.