Make sure you have a cool area for it to cool off and a warm area so it won't get cold!
no, their usually damp and cool, the dog may be sick
Yes: to keep them warm in winter, and to keep them cool in the summer. If any dog is clipped too much, it can sunburn and get heatstroke. A dog's coat keeps it at its correct body temperature whether it is cold or warm out.
It feel like a warm piece of dog crap rubbing against your gspot while you stroke another man's rooster.
The Canaan Dog has a medium tolerance of heat. It can live outdoors in warm weather.
it's nice and cool. they have those big coats to carry around, and the cool ground is a nice contrast.
Eat a dog liver. it makes you warm then you die. don't ask how i no
Dog's pant to cool their body temperature down. They eat grass if they don't feel good. Perhaps the two are related by lowering their body temperature and regurgitating it helps them to feel better.
Petting it, showing it lots of love, giving him treats, playing with him. I know you're thinking this just makes a dog feel happy, but guess what, happy dogs feel safe and where they belong.
Make the dog feel comfy buy adding pillows in and warm blankets. Make him feel at home by maybe putting artificialgrass in his kennel if you can't try spreading a green woolly jumper to make it feel like grass.
Its called shedding. They do this because dogs need to grow hair follicles to keep cool/warm in different weather climates