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Q: What liquid does skunk spray to its enemies?
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Where is wrong in this sentences Warning coloration protects a skunk by reminding the animal's enemies of their ability to spray a foul-smelling liquid?


How is a skunks spray made?

Skunk spray is not necessarily "made". Skunk spray is a liquid or gas like substance that is produced in the glands for defending themselves which is why they spray.

What is called to the liquid that comes out from the butt's of skunks?

The liquid that comes out from the butt of skunks is called "skunk spray". Skunks use this spray as a defense mechanism against predators. It has a strong odor that can be very unpleasant.

How do skunks drive away enemies?

When threatened, the skunk will spray their enemies with an obnoxious scent from special glands near their tails.

Animal that scares enemies by giving off a strong animal?

The skunk releases a strong-smelling spray from glands near its tail as a defense mechanism to scare off enemies and predators. This pungent odor can deter potential threats, allowing the skunk to escape unharmed.

How does a skunk keep enemies at bay?

their stinky smell that thay spray worns the intruter to go away and stay away.

When a skunk dies does it spray?

a skunk might spray a little gas when it dies

What is the spray called that a skunk uses defend itself with?

Must, as in "a musty smell".

Is skunk spray flammable?

No. Skunk spray is not flammable.It is a mixture of sulfur containing chemicals.

What skunk's protection?

Skunks use glands located under their tail to spray a foul smelling, eye-watering liquid spray for protection.

What facts are about skunks?

Skunks spray liquid that smells bad to scare away predators. This liquid is an oil produced by glands under a skunks' tail. Skunk spray isn't dangerous, but it smells bad. Go to the related link to know how to get rid of skunk smell.The lifespan of the striped skunk is usually about 2-3 years.they use their smelly steach to protect them from preadators

Which animal sprays enemies with a foul liquid?

The skunk Also some beetles are capable of producing caustic or noxious sprays.