

What law protects Bengal Tigers?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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10y ago

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Some orgnizations that protect tigers are CITES, WWF, and SAWEN.

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Are Bengal tigers cannibals?

No, Bengal tigers are not cannibals.

What are the Bengal tigers predators?

Bengal tigers have no natural wild predators.

Where are Bengal tigers endangered?

bengal tigers are endangerd everywhere but not in zoos

Do Bengal tigers eat their mothers?

Bengal tigers do not eat their mother.

Are Bengal tigers considered mammals?

Yes Bengal tigers are mammals.

What is Bengal tigers in Swedish?

"Bengal tigers" is "Bengaliska tigrar" in Swedish.

What is the population for Bengal tigers?

there are 2301 Bengal tigers left in the world

What is the threat to Bengal tigers?

Us humans are a threat to Bengal tigers

Do bengal tigers have fur or hair?

Bengal tigers are said to have fur.

How many individual Bengal tigers are surviving?

2300 Bengal Tigers

Are Bengal tigers vertebrate invertebrate?

Bengal tigers are vertebrates as they have a spine.

How many Bengal tigers are in danger of extinction?

All Bengal tigers are endangered, as are all tigers..The Bengal tigers number around 2000 in the wild, and are the most numerous subspecies.