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The humpback is a predator, taking krill and small schooling fish, such as herring, salmon, capelin and sand lance as well as mackerel, pollock and haddock in the North Atlantic. Krill and copepods have been recorded from Australian and Antarctic waters. Humpbacks hunt by direct attack or by stunning prey by hitting the water with pectoral fins or flukes.

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13y ago
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13y ago

They do not eat fish, they eat Shrimp. By the way " fishes " is not a word.

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Q: What kinds of small fish do humpback whales eat?
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Do humpback whales eat with other whales?

No, humpback whales only eat plankton and occasionally small fish. They have baleen instead of teeth so they wouldn't be able to bite at the whale shark. Whale sharks also eat plankton and sometimes small fish.

What is a humpback whales diet?

Plankton, krill and small fish.

What do White humpback whales do?

Plankton, shrimp, small fish, and krill.

Do humpback whales eat green plants?

Humpback whales feed on krill, tiny shrimplike crustaceans, and small fish. They do not eat green plants.

Do whale sharks eat herring?

They eat small fish in schools and zooplankton so they do depending on the species. Fin whales, humpback whales, Bryde's whales and sei whales all eat small fish.

What does a Humpback- Whale eat?

Humpback whales eat krill and small schooling fish such as herring, salmon, capelin and sand lance as well as Mackerel, pollock and haddock .

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What are some of the foods that a humpback whale eats?

Most whales generally eat krill and plankton. Some whales go for small fish as well.

Do humpback whales eat other whales?

No. Humpback whales only eat krill, small fish, etc. Basically, they only eat animals that are much smaller than they are.Humpbacks are baleen whales, filter feeders. They don't have the teeth to eat anything that big.

Do humpback whales eat bigger fish?


What can whales eat in the ocean?

Whales eat many kinds of fish and small marine creatures called krill.

What are any of the several baleen whales?

Baleen whales are characterized by having baleen plates for filtering food from water, rather than having teeth. Living Mysticeti species have teeth only during the embryonal phase. Fossil Mysticeti had teeth before baleen evolved. The suborder contains four families and fourteen species.