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Deer LOVE to eat the bark from a sap tree....the tree that gives maple honey.

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Q: What kind of tree bark do deer eat?
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What carnivores or herbivored eat tree bark?

I Know that Mooses and deer eat tree bark... And maybe otters, but I'm not sure.

Will a deer eat a squirrel?

No. Deer's are herbivores and don't eat meat, they eat mosses, tree bark, grasses etc. Squirrels are not on the average Deer's diet.

Do racoons eat deers?

No, racoons are animals and deer are herbivores which only eat leaves and tree bark.

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What does a deer like to eat?

variety of herbaceous plants, lichens, mosses, and tree leaves and bark

Do gray fox eat tree bark?

No, gray foxes do not eat tree bark.

Can you list every thing that a deer eats?

They eat a variety of herbaceous plants, lichens, mosses, and tree leaves and bark.

Does a deer eat a ferret?

a deer does not eat ferrets, deer feed on grass, twigs, bark, and shoots.

Where do deer get glucose and oxygen to do cellular respiration?

Glucose comes from the leaves and tree bark they eat. Oxygen comes from the air they breath.

What do American deer eat?

American deer eat leafs, bark, grass, and other plants.

Can you eat tree bark?

In general, it is not recommended to eat tree bark as it is difficult to digest and may contain toxins. Some animals, like deer and beavers, may consume tree bark as part of their diet, but humans should avoid doing so. If foraging for food in a survival situation, it is important to properly identify and prepare any wild plants or parts of trees before consumption.