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they are very friendly, they hardly bite(i had one) and they like to live alone. also they love to be cuddled. mine liked to wait at the door of its cage for me to come and play with it:)

hope this helped you:)

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Q: What kind of personality does a golden hamster have?
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Your hamster is gold and white with short hair What kind of hamster is it?

that will proberly be a Syrian Hamster or the Golden Hamster.

What kind of hamster is humphery?

if you are referring to the book series then "according to Humphrey" then he is a golden Syrian hamster

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Definitely not. any kind of hamster's personality can range from "the sweetest hamster in the world" to "a little devil"

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Aspen is best, cedar and pine can make them sick!!

Where does a golden hamster like to nest?

a golden hamster nests in its bedding and its bedding is like hay

What is a baby golden hamster called?

Syrian Hamster

Where are golden hamsters from?

Syria in Asia They're from Syria considering a golden hamster is equivalent to a Syrian hamster.

Can a golden hamster be with a female albino hamster and make babies?

'Golden' hamster is an alternate name for a Syrian Hamster. Assuming the albino female is too a Syrian Hamster, then yes, they can mate. If it's some variety of dwarf hamster, then no.

Where the hamster from?

Syrian hamsteror golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) from Syria :)

Is a golden hamster also known as teddy bear hamster?

Yes, it is also knows as a 'Syrian' hamster.

Do golden hamster together?


What is the latin name for hamster?

The commonest pet hamster is the Syrian or Golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus.