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in Brazil! think

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Q: What kind of monkeys are in Brazil?
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Why do people leave Brazil?

Because they are ridden out of town with a hail of Brazil nuts from flying monkeys

Where do spider monkeys live in the world?

Mostly in the tropical rain forests of Brazil, because they would be most comfortable in that kind of climate.

Do howler Monkeys live in Brazil?

No, These monkeys are native to South and Central American forests.

Are there monkeys in Brazil?

yes there is

Where do woolly spider monkeys live?

They are found in brazil.

Where do finger monkeys live?

Finger monkeys, also known as pygmy marmosets, are native to the rainforests of South America, particularly in the countries of Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, and Brazil. They are typically found in dense tropical forests and prefer to live in the high treetops.

What kind of monkeys mainly pray?

Monkeys do not pray

Do spider monkeys live in Ohio?

No. They live in Brazil, and other Rainforest's.

Where do Goeldi monkeys live?

Goeldi monkeys live in the upper Amazon Basin region of Brazil, Ecudor, Peru, Colombia and Bolivia.

What kind of behavior does squrreil monkeys have?

do squrreil monkeys have a behavior.

What are the ratings and certificates for Before It's Too Late Mini Monkeys of Brazil - 2000 TV?

Before It's Too Late Mini Monkeys of Brazil - 2000 TV is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG

Where are Titi monkeys native to?

Titi monkeys are native to South America. More specifically, Titi monkeys can be found in Peru, north Paraguay, and from Columbia all the way to Brazil.