They say to have known that Cerberus is a full breed labrador.
black lad puppies
Most labrador dogs have a good disposition and they are very hyper.
Labrador Retriever. Personal opinion is just that.
Labradors are kind and gentle dogs, they are known to be hunting dogs for duck tolling. They enjoy to fetch and swim. If you ever get a Labrador it will grow to be about 80 to 100 pounds. The Labrador originated in Labrador,Newfoundland Canada, like the Newfoundland dog. Labradors are sometimes used as police dogs and rescue dogs on ski hills. Labradors are very smart dogs, with a good sense of smell. The Labrador has many different breeds, there are the black lab, a black Labrador that could be completely black or with white wings on their chest as a marking. There are the Chocolate labs, a chocolaty brown color. The yellow lab, a lab that is whitish brown. Labs are AWESOME!
He has a chocolate Labrador, called Fudge, and a black Labrador, named Ruby.
I have a Labrador Retriever as a pet.
Labrador Retriever (Lab).
Your dog is not a cow
The breed of dog that plays Marley in the movie "Marley and Me" is a Labrador Retriever.
I think it would be the Labrador Retriever.