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Mealworms are the common ones given.

Crickets are okay in moderation, but many seem to avoid them.

Silkworms are okay as well.

One thing to remember though that insects should be given as a treat, not as their full diet.

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14y ago

Sugar gliders eat insects such as mealworms, beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, lerps and moths.

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What kind of animals are sugar gliders?

Flying-Squirrel-like Marsupial

What are sugar gliders pouches like?

sugar gliders tend to have the same poch as a kangaroo

How do sugar gliders breathe?

sugar gliders breath just like humans do. They have lungs just like us

Does a sugar glider have a pouch?

Yes. Sugar gliders do have a pouch. They are marsupials.

Why do sugar gliders like eucalyptus trees?

Sugar gliders like eucalyptus trees for several reasons.Eucalyptus trees are tall and straight, and difficult for predators to climb. Sugar gliders can nest in the hollows high up in eucalyptus trees and, because these trees are so high, easily glide from tree to tree without ever having to come down to the ground.Eucalyptus trees are a good source of food for sugar gliders. These little marsupials prefer sap and resin from trees such as eucalyptus and acacia (wattle), and nectar from the flowers. In addition, the trees often have other foods that sugar gliders eat in their native environment, such as small insects like mealworms, beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, lerps and moths.

How does a sugar glider Breath?

sugar gliders are just like humans.they have lungs just like humans!

Are baby sugar gliders called joeys?

Yes. Like the young of all marsupials, baby sugar gliders are called joeys.

What kind of symmetry do sugar gliders have?

Sugar gliders are mammals, and mammals, like all vertebrates, have bilateral symmetry. This means they have symmetry across one plane (known as the sagittal plane, and directly down the centre of their body), which means one side of their body approximately mirrors the other side.

Do sugar gliders like tree leaves and bark?

This seems to depend on the type of leaves and bark given to the sugar glider, and of course the individual sugar glider. My own gliders love eucalyptus leaves, but I know of many gliders that do not. Before you attempt to introduce any sort of leaves and bark to your sugar gliders, please be sure that it is not toxic, and that it has been properly cared for (no pesticides).

What do sugar glider like to do?

Sugar gliders in the wild spend most if there time jumping from tree to tree while catching insects mid flight. Domesticated sugar gliders will therefore spend most of there time jumping around their cage and like to sleep in what's basically a small fleece sack preferably as close to the top as possible. Domesticated gliders prefer meal worms and fruit or possibly sugar glider pellets.well in the morning suger gliders sleep but that is only in the morning . and in the night they are hipper and you will like to buy them a wheel. and in the night you will also like to pick them up but if you do you have to close the door case they are really hipper and they will run out the door and you will loose them.and also make sure that if you have a dog or a cat or any other animal keep them away

How does the little sugar glides?

Sugar gliders have a membrane that stretches from their wrist to their ankle. It works kind of like a parachute. They spread their membranes and jump, gliding to their destination. They use use their tails kind of like a rudder and brake! They are awesome pets and it's very cool to see them glide.

Can a baby female sugar glider be put with a 4 year old sugar glider?

Putting sugar gliders of the same sex and different ages is not a good idea. You should pair sugar gliders when they are young and both the same sex or if male and female they should be neutered otherwise gliders have a tendency to reproduce like crazy.