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Well, as you should know already a cheetah lives in the Savannahs or the in the savannahs what do you have......GRASS..very tall grass that it can live in also maybe if the cheetah finds a borrow or a dip in the grass it could home there and in the grasslands you also have of course very tall grass there is also very large boulders or jutting rocks in the savannahs (like pride rock in The Lion King for example)they could live in cut out chunks of it were they could home also

hope this answer helped you out:)

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12y ago
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16y ago

You might want to ask what biome or environment does the cheetah live in?

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16y ago


Savanna, dry forest. Ideal habitat includes some cover, or broken ground. Basically they are born into there habitat.

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13y ago

A cheetah lives in grass lands so it uses flattened grass to make its resting spot/home

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13y ago

Cheetahs live in tropical and warm places.

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7y ago

Cheetahs prefer grasslands in Africa and Asia.

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7y ago

Cheetahs do no construct any type of home. They may form somewhat of a hidden nest for their cubs in tall grass.

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7y ago

Cheetahs live in the open and do not have "homes."

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7y ago

The cheetah is found in semi-arid grasslands, such as the savannas, in parts of Africa and Asia.

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12y ago

Africa, Middle East, and India

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Q: What kind of home do cheetahs live in?
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What kind of home does a cheeath have?

Cheetahs live in a tropical warm place

In what climate do cheetahs live?

Cheetahs live in Africa and Asia.Cheetahs live in hot dry climates. Cheetahs run very close to 80mph, so they are constantly lying in the shade taking naps.

What kind of region does cheetahs live in?

Cheetahs generally prefer semi-arid grasslands, such as the savanna, in parts of Africa and Asia.

Do cheetahs live in countries?

Cheetahs live in Africa and Western Asia. Cheetahs live in Africa but rare sightings say that some cheetahs have traveled to Australia. cheetahs mostly live in Africa

In what kind of landscape do cheetahs live?

they live in the grasslands of East Africa and the South-West African country of Namibia

Can cheetahs live in houses?

No cheetahs can not live in houses

On which continent do cheetahs live?

cheetahs live in africa

Do cheetahs live in Austria?

No, cheetahs do not live in Austria.

Do cheetahs live in holes?

No, cheetahs do not live in holes.

Do cheetahs live in the Arctic?

No, cheetahs only live in Africa.

Where do cheetahs live and why?

Cheetahs don't live in the rainforest. They live on the savanna or grasslands.

What type of home does a cheetah live in?

Cheetahs live in the open and have no home, den, etc. They will take shelter in tall grass, especially to hide their cubs.