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Q: What kind of gestures do horses use?
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To make or use gestures.

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What kind of soap do use on a horses skin?

Horse soap

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Horses are vaccinated with a tetanus toxoid that is marketed for use in horses.

What does gesticulating mean?

Gesticulated is the past tense of the word gesticulate. Gesticulate means to use gestures to emphasize your words instead of talking. It is typically dramatic gestures.

What kind of things do horses do to communicate?

There is a long list to how horses communicate. Horses use their ears, mouth, they nudge you and sometimes head-butt you and many more ways.

Did the shoshone Indians use horses?

Not originally. They used rafts and a kind of grag sled.

Why is it important to use hand gestures?

Hand gestures are important because you can communicate whether it being with the audience or a partner.

How do you horses communicate?

They communicate but body gestures, some think that whinnying is another way, but that is mainly to say that they want something or that they are happy.

Why do people use gestures when talking?

Either to express their point, get your attention, or sometimes they use gestures to give a better picture or understanding. Other times they are unconsciously aware of it.

What are some gestures you often use?

Middle finger