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Apples (seedless), grapes (seedless), bananas, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, cantaloupe, watermelon, plums, peaches, blackberries, cranberries. Remember that your hamster should have a balanced diet because if it eats too much fruit it might get diarrhea and that's dangerous for an animal so small.

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Q: What kind of fruit can Chinese dwarf hamsters eat?
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What kind of nature is a dwarf hamster?

Dwarf hamsters tend to nip more and can live with multiple hamsters in a cage.

What country or state does Dwarf Hamsters com from?

Although, winter white Russian hamsters are often referred to as a dwarf hamsters, so, it's logic to say that the of these kind of hamsters are originlly from Russia.

Can dwarf hamsters mate with regular hamsters?

Lol, probably not. They're sociable with their own kind.

Can Chinese dwarf hamsters eat bananas?

it wont matter wat kind of hamster it is hamsters can eat anything u eat my dwarf hamster does and he's lived for 1 yr. and 2 months as long as u give them healthy food to cleanse their bodies after a while.

What kind of hamster sleeps during the day and is awake at night?

Syrian hamsters ,dwarf hamsters ,roborovski hamsters, and teddy bear hamsters

What kind of fruit can grow from a dwarf fruit tree?

Dwarf fruit trees can produce fruits including oranges, apples, pears, lemons, and limes.

What is a hamsters favorite fruit?

Yes you can give your hamsters fruits and even veggies. Just today i gave my hamster carrots and apples. Here are some of the fruits and veggies they can eat : -Grapes [ Tiny Pieces ] -Apples [ You can use a peeler to give them small strips ] -Carrots -Lettuce [ But not all kinds of lettuce ] -Pieces of melon -And more You can go to your local pet shop [ I go to PJ's Pet Store ] And get a information sheet with the things they can eat =] Cranberryhead's Response: Hello! I will answer your question in more detail. Depending on what kind of hamster you can give your hamster fruit. If you have a dwarf hamster you can only give your hamster fruit once a week because of the natural sugar inside of the fruit. The reason why dwarf hamsters can only have fruit once a week is because they can get diabetes from the natural sugar which can sometimes lead to fatal death for hamsters. Please be careful on the amount of fruit you give your dwarf hamster. For Syrians I'm pretty sure you can give them more fruit more often but I'm not so sure so don't take my word for it.

Should you put two dwarf hamsters in the same cage?

If they are Roborofskis or Winter Whites, then the answer is a definite yes. These dwarf hamsters are very social, and require the company of at least one of their own kind. However, do not put two different species of dwarf hamsters in the same cage. They will fight. Also, unless you intend to breed, only put hamsters of the same gender in one cage, or else you'll have a hamster population explosion!Also, do not put a Syrian with a dwarf hamster.

Are Chinese dwarf hamsters endangered?

No, Chinese dwarf hamsters are not endangered. They are a common species of hamster that is found in many parts of China. However, they are considered to be a threatened species in some parts of their range due to habitat loss and fragmentation.

Will fruit loops kill hamsters?

yes so get special kind from pet supplier

What kind of food does a Campbell Russian dwarf hamster eat?

My hamster is a Russian Cambell dwarf and he LOVES: Almonds, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, and most of all cotage cheese! These things are great to maintain a dwarf hamsters diet and most hamsters absoutly love them! I know my hamster does.

What kind of wood chips can you put into your dwarf hamster cage?

dwarf hamsters can only live on aspen wood chips, because they are allergic to other wood such as pine, cedar, etc. types such as the chinese dwarf and robo dwarf hamster are especially allergic to anything other than aspen because their natural habitat is the gobi desert, and not in a woody area