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Baleen whales use their baleen plates to filter feed. They eat small fish, krill and plankton.

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13y ago
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7y ago

They use their baleen plates (teeth) to filter out the food in the water they take in.

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11y ago

As far as I know it's supposed to be plankton and maybe even tiny fishes that can fit down their small throats.

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11y ago

Big baleen whales eat jellyfish, starfish, octopus and sting rays

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13y ago

A baleen whale eats tiny sea life.

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13y ago

a baby whale fedus

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Q: What kind of food baleen whales eat?
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What food eat of baleen whales?

Baleen whales feed by filtering or straining food from the water. They love to eat krill, fish, zooplankton, phytoplankton, and algae

1.What special feature does a baleen whale have to let it eat the food it eat the food it wants?

Baleen Whales filter their food. They are filter feeders. They take in a lot of water and their baleen plates filter the food from the water.

What part of a whale is called balleen?

Baleen is a filter-feeding system made of keratin found in certain whale species, particularly in the mouths of baleen whales. It is used to filter and trap small prey, such as krill, while allowing water to pass through.


Baleen whales eat krill, zooplankton and small fish swarming in large schools. Because baleen whales have no teeth, they are believed to uses their enormous tongue to move food trapped inside the baleen, to squeeze water out of the mouth, and to assist the action of swallowing.

Which group of whales eats krill?

Baleen Whales eat krill using the Baleen in their mouth.

Why do whales eat ktill?

Whales, that are filter feeders, use baleen plates to sieve their main food of krill.

What do humpack whales eat?

Humpback Whales eat mostly baleen.

Are right whales baleen whale?

Yes, right whales are baleen whales. They have no teeth. They have baleen, whalebone, to strain out water and keep in plankton, krill and shrimp to swallow and eat.

Do humpback whales eat or hunt dolphins?

Baleen whales don't eat Dolphins. Baleen whaled can't eat Dolphins. Baleen whales are filter feeders. They don't have the teeth to take a dolphin apart, and can't swallow anything that big.

How do baleen whales and toothed whales obtain food?

Baleen whales just "smile" and swim. While they do that, tiny organisms called krill will get caught in the whale's baleen. Free food whenever needed! Toothed whales have to hunt for their food. Some whales go in groups while others don't. They just hunt down the prey, eat what they want, then leave before the sharks smell the blood and go into a frenzy. Hope this helped!

What group of whales eats krill?

Baleen whales eat krill (by filtering it through their baleen plates; hence the name).