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A trusting dog.

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Q: What kind of dog never bite?
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Why doesnt your dog bite?

your dog might not bite you but when it is protecting you it will bite the enemy. my dog has never bit me but it has tryed to bite other people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(that person was terrified)

Do you bite dogs?

No. You should never bite a dog, as it is cruel and very likely the dog will either retaliate or become fearful of you.

What do you do if your dog bit your son?

Kill the dog. Reason: a dog is supposed to be your loving pet, a member of the family, and under your control. Good pet breeds will never want to bite humans. A dog that will bite humans once, will bite again, no matter how well he/she is trained. Put the dog down and never take a dog again.

What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?

There is no animal that will not bite to defend or protect itself.

What is the likely hood a dog will bite you?

Dogs bite when they are scared or threatened. As long as you are kind to the dog and make sure it feels comfortable you won't get bit

What kind of dog does he have?

That kind. never mind Is it a cat in a hat?

When was Dog Bite Dog created?

Dog Bite Dog was created on 2006-08-17.

Why did your own dog bite you?

your dog bite you when its annoyed or stressed

Dog puncture wound for dog bite?

I am an EMT. My training says....Bite. You could go as far as to say puncture, rip, tear, avulsion. But that depends on what kind of damage was done.

Can a scratch in the skin by a dog bite needs vaccination?

Depends. Is it a stray or a strange dog you have never seen before? Then yes just to be safe.

Can a 10year old dog that has never bitten anyone but has gotten into dog fights be considered a threat to people?

Yes, Some dogs never bite. But sometimes, They can get very aggressive, If they do they are a threat...

What makes kind of bite makes a dogs neck swell up?

It sounds like your dog either has an abscess or possibly a spider or snake bite. You need to take your dog in to be checked out by your Veterinarian to have this treated properly.