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none you would put a dressing or a bandige rond it


When a dog or any animal has an opened wound from another animal's bite your dog / cat / animal SHOULD be seen by a local veterinarian. This is the only way to help thwart off a possible infection and obtain the right treatment.

It will cost a lot less by getting them there right away then trying to treat this yourself and the area becomes infected.

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If you can't do it yourself, get your dog to the nearest veterinary hospital. But, if that's not possible press wet clothe to the wound. Keep pressure to stop any excessive bleeding, next you must dress the wound, if it's big stiching may be required, but if it's small once the bleeding stops, allowing the dog to clean and lick it to rid it of any bacteria.

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Q: What kind of dog medicine do you use at home to treat an open wound dog bite to your dog?
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