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They can die because of old age or some other kind of killer mammmal can kill them. Whalers can kill them either on purpose or possibly by accident. They can die because of food shortage. Maybe of some kind of sickness or diesease.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Hunting of the blue whale stopped in 1977.

Now, the blue whale's only predator is the orca, or killer whale (actually a type of dolphin). Almost a quarter of blue whales have scars from orca attacks, but the blue whale's size (up to 120 tonnes and 60 metres [200 ft] long, bigger than any of the dinosaurs) suggests they are difficult to kill. There is no information on how many are killed by orcas.

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13y ago

Its favorite food is "Krill". An Adult blue whale can kill upto 40 million krill per day. They can eat nearly 3500 kilograms of krill in a single day. They need nearly 1.5 million kilocalories of energy per day and so, they nearly eat nonstop. Small fish, crustaceans and squids too get caught when they trap krill in their mouth.

They scoop up large quantities of water into their mouth along with krill and other small aquatic creatures and then filters and push the water out. All remaining animals are swallowed.

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13y ago

Blue whales eat krill, which are crustaceans like shrimp, but almost microscopically small. They take them into their mouths with water, and filter them out of the water with baleen plates. Baleen is a material rather like horn, which is arranged in many narrow strips like teeth in a comb, and used as a sieve. A blue whale can eat 40,000,000 krill in one day.

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9y ago

They are dying because of the current threats to the. The threats at the moment is lack of food from over fishing and bycatch of krill and pollution of the oceans. The main cause which is no longer happen but effects are known was that 99% of the pre whaling population was killed.

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13y ago

it only really eats very small animals like krill

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13y ago

They never do

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Q: What kills a blue whale and how do they kill it?
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Why do killer whales kill living things?

For food. The Killer Whale is the only known whale to kill the blue whale.

Can the blue whale kill the great white shark?

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Who kills the blue whale?

People kill whale due to the variety of products that can be obtained from their bodies. Their meat can be consumed by human beings, or it can be used as animal food, and the teeth and bones utilised as building materials. Blubber obtained from the body of a whale can also be used as fuel.

Do you kill blue whales for whale oil?

no i dont.

What animals eat or kill the blue whale?

Some humans eat whale soup. Ya not kidding.

What would kill a blue whale that is an carnivore?

Blue Whales wouldent really kill anything on rare occasions they would swipe their tail at predators which wuold kill them.

Can a blue whale kill a great white shark?

No, because whales are stronger.

Can a human kill a blue whale?

One on one, a big 80 feet long blue whale would defeat a 30 feet long killer whale. However, when a pack (pod) of killer whales team up, they can kill an adult blue whale, although they usually prefer to attack a calf, or a pregnant female, which are weaker than a adult male blue whale.

How many kill fish does a whale eats?

Well a blue whale eats 40 million krill a day if that's what you mean't.