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it is a hippopotomus

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Q: What jungle animal is born underwater?
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What animal was born underwater?

a fish

This savana animal is born underwater?

hippopotamus (hippo)

Which animal is born underwater?

Crocidile... that's what Alex said

What interesting jungle animal?

An interesting jungle animal would be a panther or a monkey.

What are name of JUNGLE animal start with j?

A jungle animal, I would say, is "jaguar".

Is beaver an animal of safari jungle?

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Is chimpanzee a safari animal?

no it is a jungle animal

What is the strongest animals in the jungle?

Tiger is the strongest animal in the jungle.

What is the biggest underwater animal?

The biggest submarine animal is of-course the Blue whale. This is also the largest animal of all animals.

Are chimpanzees jungle animals?

Chimpanzees can be a jungle animal or a wild animal, it all depends on there habitat and what there taught too do.

Which animal was most organized in The Jungle Book?

The most organised animal in the jungle is the bear. Courtesy of Rob and Harry

What animal in the jungle began with the letter you?

That animal is the Uranidiot.