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I dont know but i have a pet rabbit and i have heard of that-i think its a disiese

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Q: What is wry neck?
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Scientific name for wryneck?

"Wry neck" can also be called "head tilt". The scientific name is "torticollis".

What is the past and present tense of wry?

The past tense of "wry" is "wried" and the present tense is "wry."

What spasmodic is a stiff neck due to contraction of the neck muscles that pull the head toward the affected side?

Also known as a wry neck, spasmodic torticollis is a stiff neck due to spasmodic contraction of the neck muscle. The spasm causes the head to be pulled toward the affected side.

What is a homophone for rye?

A homophone for "rye" is "wry".

What is the homonym of wry?

The homonym of wry is rye.

How would massage help torticollis?

Torticollis or "wry neck" is spasm of the sternocleidomastoid. You would massage the SCM along with the scalenes, trapezius, and splenius muscles.

How do you pronounce jewelry?

Jool-wry Wry rhyming with "tree"

When was Gordon Wry born?

Gordon Wry was born in 1910.

When did Gordon Wry die?

Gordon Wry died in 1985.

What is a homophone for wry?

The homophone for "wry" is "rye."

Spasms of this straplike muscle often result in wryneck or torticollis?

The sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck. Injury also called a wry neck.

When was A Rollins in the Wry created?

A Rollins in the Wry was created on 2001-02-27.