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he has some disease

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Q: What is wrong with seals face on the voice?
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What do you do if you like a girl's face but you hate her voice and you must hear her talk everyday?

im a girl and i think if u like her face and not her voice that its wrong and u should get over it thats rude

Is Lisa Kudrow the voice in Mr Clean Magic Eraser?

i say it has to be her! why? because i see her face EVERY TIME i hear it. i haven't been wrong about voice overs yet!

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What's wrong with your face

What are the release dates for The Face or the Voice - 1912?

The Face or the Voice - 1912 was released on: USA: 5 November 1912

Do seals get eaten by other seals?

seals only eat other seals if they get mad at each other i think..... but if you need this answer for homework or somethin dont write this down cuz i might be wrong......

How do you face voice and accent rounds in interview?

voice and accent round

What does wrong voice mean?

The term wrong voice normally means that a writer is either using passive or active voice incorrectly. Most writing want one or the other.

How can you tell fish apart from seals?

Fish have scales. Seals are much larger than fish and have a slippery body and a little face :)

Who does the voice of Nick Jr's Face?

Voice over actor Chris Phillips.

Who does the voice over for All State commercials?

Dennis Haysbert Dennis is the FACE of the Allstate commercials, Keith David is the voice you hear when there isn't a face.

Is there something wrong with brian littrells voice?

There is nothing wrong with Brains Litrell's voice that he has confirmed. It is perfectly normal for a voice to sound a little off key sometimes, especially when they perform night after night.

What size and shape is the indus seals?

oart of these answers are wrong they can change the ansewer of it \