The approximate weight of an 11 month old male rottweiler should be around the 110lb mark. Don't worry if it is slightly under, as the genetic make up of it's parents will play a factor. He will reach his optimum weight, so don't try to pack it on him by over feeding, you will only cause yourself other problems later on.
Remember that is an approximate weight, all dogs are different.
Male...and he was gay for the other guys Rottweiler
On average a Rottweiler male would be between 25-30kgs, and a female between 20-24kgs. I wouldn't worry to much about the weight, all Rottweilers will reach their optimum weight and anything over that, the dog would become obese. Try not to pack the pounds on a young dog, by over feeding, as this will cause problems in the joints later on.
A rottweiler will always reach it's optimum weight. It will finish growing in height at around 18 months of age, but is one of those breeds which slowly mature and will finish filling out between the ages of 3 to 4 years. It not a good thing to try to pack the weight on your dog, by doing so you could end up with enormous vet bills, from your dog being over weight causing stress to its joints. Enjoy your dog for what it is. Let it be as mobile as possible and fun when you take it out and not some over weight dog who struggles to keep up.
It is possible a male dog is fertile at 7 months, although this is very young to be deliberately breeding a dog.
A rottweiler is a German hunting dog
Your dog will get pregnant and gain weight.
rottweiler named rome
Most definitely the rottweiler.
it is a rottweiler
It depends on the breed and the dog in question as well.