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Well there are many things that are unique about cheetahs like how they have great speed and how thier nails don't retract. (but most cats nails do retract) and also instead of cheetahs having rosettes, stripes or just being one color cheetahs have spots. Also, cheetahs chirp and growl insted of roaring. and cheetahs have bigger lungs than all cats.(they need to have big lungs so they can take in great breaths of air.)

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Q: What is unique about cheetahs?
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What makes cheetahs unique?

=Cheetahs can run up to 70 miles per hour.==They are the fastest land animals.=

How and why cheetahs are different from other animals?

Sorry I'm not a CHEETAH EXPERT OR SOMETHING but I know that cheetahs are unique because they are, or are one of, the fastest animals on Earth, and if you carefully compare a jaguar's, leopard's, and cheetah's spots, you'll se they all look different.

Are cheetahs helpful or harmless?

Cheetahs are both helpful and harmless. There are no records of cheetahs ever attacking a human.

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King cheetahs are just regular cheetahs with a rare coat pattern mutation.

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No, cheetahs eat warthogs.

What cause cheetahs?

Older cheetahs.

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No, there are no cheetahs in Madagascar.

Do cheetahs live in countries?

Cheetahs live in Africa and Western Asia. Cheetahs live in Africa but rare sightings say that some cheetahs have traveled to Australia. cheetahs mostly live in Africa

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Cheetahs don't hibernate.

Do cheetahs have families?

Yes, cheetahs do have families.

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Do cheetahs migrate?

No, cheetahs do not migrate.