A young ram that has been castrated is typically referred to as a "wether." This term is used to denote male sheep that have been neutered.
A male sheep is called a Ram.
A ram lamb or a wether lamb if it has been castrated.
A male sheep is a ram, a female is an ewe, and a young sheep is a lamb.
A young uncasted male sheep is typically called a ram lamb.
ram = male sheep ewe = female sheep lamb = young sheep
A ewe is a female sheep, usually over a year. Under a year she's a ewe lamb.
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Ram was created in 1977.
An immature male sheep is called a ram lamb. It is a young male sheep before it reaches sexual maturity.
Young goats are known as Kids ADDED: In addition to the previous answer. Young Males are called "Bucklings" and young Females are called "Doelings". Both Bucklings & Doelings are "Kids".
A baby Ram is called a Lamb.