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The largest wolf on record was a male Alaskan wolf (Canis lupus pambasileus) which weighed 175 pounds. This is the largest wolf subspecies (up to 3 feet tall at the shoulder), but this individual was exceptional - they normally weigh no more than 130 pounds, occasionally up to 150. There is considerable variation in size across wolf subspecies, with more northerly populations usually being larger than more southerly ones.

I found this information on Yahoo answers, but i belive there has been a bigger wolf on record, and i think it weighed 200 pounds, although I'm not particularly sure :)

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Eurasian wolves are the worlds largest wolves while the grey wolf can only get 175 pounds the eurasian wolf can get 190 pounds. Larger ones have been weighed to 211 pounds.

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Q: What is the weight of an Eurasian wolf?
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An adult wolf weight ranges from 60 to well over 100 pounds.

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it really depends on the species of wolf. whether its grey wolf or eurasian wolf, red wolf. it also depends on the area. up north in canada they are much bigger, canadian grey wolves reaching to 145lbs or even more, the record is in a alaska at 170lbs. down south such as mexico , wolves can be as little as 45lbs. theres alot of difference in weight, even at that young an age. dont forget gender plays a large part in it, males being roughly 20% larger then females. if you want to know something like that, you really need to look at specifics.

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Eurasian is a race. So you can write something like "Tom is an Eurasian"

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