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99% of the giant pandas diet is bamboo.

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What is the panda bear's vegetation?

The pandas primary food source is bamboo, though they also eat roots, fruits and berries to a lesser degree.

Are pandas Japanese?

Pandas are an endangered species from China. Pandas are not native to Japan, or any other country. This is because of the ideal climate and vegetation (for a panda) in China.

Is a panda a house pet?

Generally, no. According to PETA, very few pandas that are introduced into the human home survive more than a few months, largely due to attacks that are made on the human "parents." Like other bears, the Panda has very flexible dietary requirements that run from vegetation (in the best situation for the panda, vegetarianism focuses on bamboo) to birds or rodents. In captivity, the Panda will eat almost anything provided so long as the provisioning is sweet or high in protein. A panda, despite the cuteness presented, is an aggressive wild animal and is very difficult to manage in captivity. Accordingly, there are no suitable situations for having a panda as a house pet.

What is a name for a female giant panda a male giant panda and a baby giant panda?

female giant panda=female giant panda male giant panda=male giant panda baby giant panda=baby giant panda x

How do you say gaint panda in french?

giant panda - panda géant? huge panda - panda énorme large panda - grand panda

Is the red panda the smallest panda?

Yes. The red panda is the smallest panda.

What do you say panda in french?

Panda in French is "panda."

How do panda have their babies?

A male panda and a female panda....

How do you say panda in french?

panda : ours panda

Is a red panda as big as a normal panda?

a red panda is a lot smaller that a normal panda

How many panda species is there?

as a matter of fact there are 26 different species of panda

What panda lives in Asia?

Red panda and the giant panda