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Q: What is the vampires bats predator?
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What are facts vampires bats?

That's not real no vampires or vampire bats are not real...

Do vampires live aslong as vampire bats and why?

Vampires live FOREVER. Bats don't ...

Debate on Vampires Are Real Are Not?

yes vampires are real, bats are vampires. but human vampires are not real

Are vampires reallllllllllllllllll?

Yes vampires are real, their bats.

How does vampires help humans?

Vampires do not exist. Only bats.

Do real vampires have the same powers as twilight vampires?

There is no such a thing as vampires... but there is such a thing as vampire bats. And no, vampires do not have the same powers as Twilight vampires do.

What can vampires transformed into?

Vampires can transform into bats, specifically the vampire bat.

Are the vampires still living?

Vampire bats yes, real vampires no.

Can vampires fly?

Well, Vampires can turn into bats and fly, but besides that, NO!

Are bat predator?

There are thousands of different species of bats. Most of them are insectivorous, and these are predators to insects. The rest of the bats are either pollinators (eating nectar from flowers and simultaneously pollinating them) or they are fruit bats. These bats are not predators.

What amimals can vampires turn into?

vampires in twilight don't turn into animals, but other vampires turn into bats

What is a bat predator?

A bats predator is a Red Fox, Coyote.