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An adaptation is a structure or behavior that helps an organism meet its needs for survival.

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Q: What is the term for A structure or behavior that helps an organism meet its needs for survival?
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A change in structure or behavior that helps a living thing survive in its environment?

An adaptation is a change in structure or behavior that helps a living thing survive in its environment. It enhances the organism's ability to thrive and reproduce in its surroundings, increasing its chances of survival. Adaptations can result from genetic changes over time or through learning and behavioral modifications.

Is a structure or behavior that helps living things meets its needs for a survival an adoption?

No. It's adaptation, not adoption.

Is a structure or behavior that helps a living thing meet its needs for survival an adoption?

No. It's adaptation, not adoption.

A physical structure or a behavior that helps an organism to survive in its environment is?

an adaptation. Adaptations can include physical features like camouflage or behaviors like migration that improve an organism's chances of survival and reproduction in its specific environment.

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The hypothalamus is the structure in the brain that plays a key role in regulating drives associated with the survival of the individual, such as hunger, thirst, and sexual behavior. It helps maintain homeostasis by controlling various physiological processes like body temperature, metabolism, and circadian rhythms.

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What is a structure or behavior that increases the chance of species survival?

A structure that increases the chance of species survival is camouflage which helps organisms blend in with their environment to avoid predators. Behaviors such as forming social groups for protection, sharing resources, and cooperative hunting can also increase the chances of species survival by enhancing the ability to find food and defend against threats.

What is a body structure that helps an organism adapt to its envrioment?

One example of a body structure that helps an organism adapt to its environment is the camouflage patterns on a chameleon's skin. These patterns allow the chameleon to blend in with its surroundings, providing it with protection from predators.

What is an adaptation in science?

An adaptation is a structure or behavior that helps a living thing live.

What does structural behavior?

A physical characteristic that allows an organism to survive and reproduce.

What is a body part or behavior part that helps a living thing survive?


What helps an organism to live?

An organism needs food, water, oxygen, and an appropriate environment to live. Other factors such as temperature, shelter, and social interactions can also contribute to its survival. Adaptations like camouflage, mimicry, and symbiotic relationships can further enhance its chances of survival.