Arctic foxes have a symbiotic relationship with polar bears. They follow the bears and feed on the remains of their kills.
The polar bear has a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with arctic foxes. These foxes sometimes feed on the leftovers of polar bearsâ?? meals.
pengouins and polar bears
The animals that it lives with.
Yes, they have a relationship called parisitism. This means only one organisim benefits. For example Polar Bears gain food from eating fish and the fish are harmed/ killed.
There are a few examples of possible symbiotic relationships for black bears. It could be said that they have one with humans, as they commonly eat trash which is left out by humans. By the same token, they eat honey which is made by bees which could be said to establish a symbiotic relationship between the bears and bees.
You couldn't exactly call it commensalism but sometimes the arctic fox will travel behind a polar bear and feed on the scraps of what it ate because if you didn't know a polar bear's main diet is ringed seals and arctic foxes eat those, too. Sometimes though, the fox annoys the polar bear. They may tease it by darting in to nip at its herels or blatanly attemp to drive bear from food. Polar bears will retaliate by lunging or slapping buttocks
polar bears are related to bears.
Polar bears do.
They reproduce.
Usually a predator/prey relationship, with the bear being the predator.
I need a symbiotic relationship with the PORPOISE..