

Best Answer

Their predators are squids & sharks

& other deep sea animals.

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Q: What is the swim speed of the Baird s Beaked whale?
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What is the top speed of blue whale?

Blue Whales can swim at speeds up to 20 mph!

How fast can a beluga whale swim?

A full grown beluga whales top speed is 15mph.

How fast can a humpback whale swim?

A Humpback Whale can swim up to 17 miles per a hour!

Do whale calves be able to swim after birth?

They swim or they drown. So yes they swim

Where does a blue whale swim?

in the ocean

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What does blue whale do at day?

they swim.

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How far can a whales swim in a year?

As far as a blue whale can swim in a year

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How fast can a sperm whale swim?

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