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It really depends on the relation in size to its parents. Just like growing tall from your dads side, and getting hazel eyes from your moms side.

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Riley Wolf

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2y ago
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8y ago

Cheetah babies are less than 1 foot (30 cm) long when born and weigh about 10 ounces (300 gm). They grown in the mother's womb for about 93 days.
think its around 5 0unces at birth
Given the fact that they are cubs, they are likely in a constant state of variance. Little cubs are typically smaller than bigger cubs. And the biggest cubs will more than likely be larger than all the rest. Given these facts, clearly cheetah cubs start at 0 and grow to a maximum of 15.

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7y ago
  • Cheetahs can weigh up to 77 to 143 (35 to 65 kg)
  • They range from 45 to 53 inches (115 to 135 cm) long.
  • Their tails measure up to 33 inches (84 cm) in length.
  • Male cheetahs are slightly larger than females and their heads are bigger.

Male and female cheetahs have little size difference as seen in other big cats. With the magnificent cats, both male and female grow to around three feet tall shoulders down. The Asiatic cheetah is lighter than the African cheetah.

5 feet

A cheetah is between 45 - 53 inches in body length, weighing about as much as a Labrador of 88 to 125 pounds. It's tail length is 33 inches.

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12y ago

The adult cheetah weighs from 35 to 72 kg. Its total head and body length is from 110 to 150 cm. The tail alone can measure 60 to 84 cm in length. Cheetahs are 66 to 94 cm tall at the shoulder. Males tend to be slightly larger than females and have slightly bigger heads, but there is not a great variation in cheetah sizes and it is difficult to tell males and females apart by appearance alone.

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11y ago

Cheetahs are get up to 77 to 143 lbs.(pounds) (35 to 65 kg)

A cheetah can range from 45 to 53 inches long

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12y ago

A Cheetahs length is normally about 45 - 50 inches and its average weight is about 115 - 120lbs

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14y ago

a little smaller than a lioness

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What is the average size of a cheetah's penis?

18 inches

Is a cheetah's size average?

A bit bigger than medium, which is 88-140 pounds.

What is the shape of the cheetah?

the shape of a cheetah is like the size of the whole wordl

How many offspring does each female cheetah haves when she gives birth?

A cheetah can give birth to as few as one cub and as many as nine cubs. Average litter size is three to five cubs.

How big are a cheetah's legs?

The average length of a cheetah's legs varies due to its sex and its species Regardless, an average leg length for a Northwest African cheetah is about 24 inches.

What is a cheetah size and weight?

a cheetah can vary in size + weight. the av. is about 41/2 ft long and weighs 60-120 lbs

What is the body type and size of a cheetah?


What is the birth size of a cheetah cub?


How long is the average cheetah tail?

about a meter

What is the cheetahs size?

it varies on how old or young the cheetah is

What is the main size of a cheetah?

The main size of an adult male cheetah can be as much as 150 pounds. The animal can run at up to about 70 miles per hour when hunting.

What is the normal size of a cheetah?

A cheetahs' normal size is 9 ft., tail to head.