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The gray wolves, Canis Lupus. They are also know as timber wolves. They are the largest wild canines being around 3 feet tall at the shoulder and between 3 to 5 feet from nose to tails. They weight between 40 to 176 pounds with the males being larger than females. See

While the timber wolf is the largest breed, there can be larger specimens in mixed breed wolves. I've seen one that was a mixture of timber wolve and something like 2 other breed s that stood at a 6' cyclone fence and was looking over the top with about a foot and a half. These are known as hybrid wolves.

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7y ago

Wolves do not have "breeds." That term applies to domesticated animals such as dogs, cats, cattle, chickens, etc. Wolves are classified by species and subspecies. There is but a single species of true wolf and that is the gray wolf, sometimes called a timber wolf. It does have a number of subspecies. Therefore, the answer to your question is the gray wolf.

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12y ago

one in alask that was 175 pounds back in 1944. stood 36 inchs at the shoulder

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13y ago

great white wolf

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It depends on the wolf... Please be more specific in what breed of wolf you mean and I will get back to you.

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