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Q: What is the region of the abdomen that includes the waist on the right or left side called?
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What region of the abdomen includes the waist on the right and left side?

The region of the abdomen that includes the waist on the right and left side is known as the flank region. It is located between the lower ribs and the pelvis on each side of the body.

Which regions lie in the right hypochondriac region of the abdomen?

The liver is the main organ that lies in the right hypochondriac region of the abdomen. Other structures in this area may include the gallbladder, part of the stomach, and the right kidney.

Is the lumbar region in the abdominopelvic area?

No, the lumbar region is part of the lower back and is not considered part of the abdominopelvic area. The abdominopelvic area includes the abdomen and pelvis.

What two region of the abdomen does the liver occupy?

The liver occupies the right hypochondriac region and the epigastric region.

What two regions does the liver of the abdomen?

The liver occupies the right hypochondriac region and the epigastric region.

The upper Lateral regions of the abdomen beneath the ribs are what region?

Right Hypochondriac

What is an umbilical region?

The umbilical region refers to the area of the body surrounding the umbilicus or belly button. It is located in the center of the abdomen, between the right and left lumbar regions. The umbilical region is an important anatomical landmark for identifying other regions of the abdomen.

What abdominal region is located on the right and left side of the abdomen right under the ribs?

The right and left hypochondriac regions are located under the ribs.

Which abdominal region is superior to the lumbar region?

The epigastric region is superior to the lumbar region. It is located between the thoracic cage and the umbilical region on the abdomen.

What organs right lumber region?

Organs located in the right lumbar region of the abdomen include the ascending colon, parts of the large intestine, right kidney, and a portion of the liver.

What are the 9 regions of the abdomen?

Hi :) The nine regions of the abdomen are as follows! (Imagine someone is facing you - this is where it would be on their body!); 1.Right hypochondriac region 2.Hypogastric region 3.Left Hypochondriac region 4.Right lumbar region 5. Umbilical Region. 6.Left lumbar region 7.Right Iliac fossa 8.Epigastric region 9.Left Iliac fossa Hope this helps?! x

Which organ fills most of the right hypochondriac and epigastric region?

The liver fills most of the right hypochondriac and epigastric region of the abdomen.