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Prevents damage to pregnant mares & placenta.

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Q: What is the purpose of the soft rubbery sole found on a newborn foal's hoof?
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What is the rubbery substance found on the edge of bones?

Conteledge. I think or its marrow?

What is the purpose of the soft rubber sole found on a newborn foal's hoof?

The soft, jelly like sole of a newborn foal's feet are called Golden Slippers, and are there to prevent the foal's sharp hooves from damaging his dam before or during birth.

What tissue is rubbery?

Cartilage tissue is often described as rubbery because of its firm yet flexible consistency. It is found in areas like the ear, nose, and joints, providing support and cushioning for the body.

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What is approx number of bones found in the body of a newborn infant?


Will there be a Twilight movie on Victoria and the newborn army?

No, they will only be found in Eclipse.

What to do if you found a newborn chipmunk?

I will feed with kitten milk or dog milk

What are the abiotic factors of black nirtile?

Raw nirtile is yellow but can be tinted in any colour. It is rubbery and leathery. It can be found as clothing such as gloves and jackets.

Can the government take a newborn from a mother at birth?

Yes, if she has been found unfit.

What is the technical name of the white mucus found on a newborn baby?

Vernix caseosa