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So you can teach your kid " the cow says moo" ????? and they provide milk and meat.

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Q: What is the purpose of the cow?
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Related questions

How is a cow bullet used for a cow?

There's no such thing as a "cow bullet." A bullet is a bullet, and it's purpose is for only one thing: to kill.

What is the purpose of the cow on FarmVille on Facebook?

Because you can milk it.

Is a dairy cow bred for a special purpose?

Yes: to produce milk.

What does the femur do in a cow?

The femur in a cow has the exact same purpose as it does for us humans: it provides support for a bovine to use to be able to move and stand on.

What is the purpose of the hocks on a cow?

The hocks on a cow helps to keep their hind legs from touching. Hind legs that are too close together is a common defect in cattle.

What is the purpose of a sacred cow to Hindus?

Hindus regard Cow sacred and worship her because it serves the mankind in many ways while living or even on dying.

What is a suckler cow?

A suckler cow is a cow that is raised for the primary purpose of producing calves for beef production. They are typically bred with beef bulls to produce calves that will be raised for meat.

Does a cow have a skeleton?

Cows have a skeletal system much like people. The purpose of the skeletal system is to support the skin, muscles and organs of the cow.

Why were wooden cow bells used and for what?

Most cow bells were (and are) made from metal, not wood. Sounds from metal travels a lot farther than sounds from wood. But basically, a wooden cow bell serves the same purpose as metal cow bells: for a farmer to easily locate where the cow went, since most cows in the mountain regions are never confined to fenced areas.

What is a cows mating cycle?

The act of conception for the purpose of producing offspring. A cow can only conceive if she's bred to a bull, not another cow. See the related question below to find out how it's done.

Why are the nomad huts made out of cow poo?

Because it's readily available, easy to use and good enough for that purpose.

Can you give an example of a singular noun for cattle?

The noun cattle is a common, plural noun for a group of bovines kept for the purpose of food or labor animals. Sometimes used as an alternate plural for cow (cows).