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Seals are the preferred diet/prey for Polar Bears. Most of its diet consists of ringed or bearded seals. They are also known to hunt and kill adult Walruses and even Beluga Whales. Mature/Adult bears tend to eat only the calorie rich skin and blubber of the seal, whereas youngsters consume the meat as well. They have been known to even raid bird nests and feed on chicks and eggs.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Seals are the preferred diet/prey for Polar Bears. Most of its diet consists of ringed or bearded seals. Mature/Adult bears tend to eat only the calorie rich skin and blubber of the seal, whereas youngsters consume the meat as well.

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7y ago

The polar bear is an apex or top predator. Only humans and orcas (killer whales) are known to take down and prey upon polar bears. (Some people claim that Orcas do not prey on polar bears, however.)
The Polar Bear is an Apex Predator. Seals are the preferred diet/prey for Polar Bears. Most of its diet consists of ringed or bearded seals. They are also known to hunt and kill adult Walruses and even Beluga Whales.

No other animal is known to kill or consume the Polar Bear. So, they are not prey to any other species of animals

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12y ago

The Polar Bear is an Apex Predator. Seals are the preferred diet/prey for Polar Bears. Most of its diet consists of ringed or bearded seals. They are also known to hunt and kill adult Walruses and even Beluga Whales.

No other animal is known to kill or consume the Polar Bear. So, they are not prey to any other species of animals

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7y ago

Polar bears are generally the apex predator in their habitat. However, there is evidence that orcas do occasionally prey on swimming polar bears.

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What kinds of relationships do polar bears have with other animals?

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The Polar bear is a giant apex predator and hence it shares a Predator - Prey relationship with other species.

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The polar bear has no natural predator.

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The polar bear would because as the polar bear is the biggest land predator on earth

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What is the polar bear's only predator?

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