Circumcision followed by castration. They had a big drive to stop criminals reproducing.
yes china has a penalty, It was punishable by death In 2011 but I am unsure now.
For. If most of the citizens in Texas did not want the death penalty, there would be no death penalty.
9999999963418676 ha ha ha
There are some cases of poaching in the US. In California people hunted bears for their fur and claws. In Pennsylvania deer where hunted for their meat and/or antlers.
Not much. But if the animal is seen as a pest, poaching it could reduce their impacts on human populations. For example, if a deer population grows too large and damages their environment through overgrazing, poaching the deer would reduce the damage they do.
What is the penalty for aiding a felon in texas
Bucks or stags are commonly hunted for the size of their antlers.
the history sites of Texas are deer park Austin and i do not know what city it is but the alomo is there deer park was the birthplace of Texas and Austin is the capital
Poachers, of any animal species, are generally given the maximum penalty.