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The penalty for horse theft in the US can vary from county to county, but in most places it carries the same sentencing as Grand Theft. In some places it is still legal for a horse thief to be tried by a court and hanged for the crime.

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Q: What is the penalty for horse theft in US?
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What is the fine for horse stealing?

The penalty for horse theft in the state of Florida is death by hanging...This is an outdated law that has not been enforced since the late 1890'sWhile it remains on the Florda laws books the Death penalty for horse theft has been ruled cruel and unusual punishment and is no longer enforcable under federal laws..In 1923, the Florida Legislature passed a law replacing hanging with the electric chair...Currently, Florida's only capital crimes are:First-degree murderFelony murderCapital drug trafficking ((however Due to the Supreme Court case Coker v. Georgia in 1977, only those convicted of murder may receive the death penalty.))Death for Capital drug trafficking is no longer enforced.Floridas only forms of execution are lethal injection and electricution since 1979 only 69 criminals have been executed all by electrocution/lethal injection non of which have been horse theives...The current penalty for horse theft in Florida is fines and or jail time...

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teressa kay sarver

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What is penalty for Grand Theft Auto in Florida?


What is the penalty for theft over 6000.00?

It would be a FELONY crime. Your state's statutes will include the maximum penalty set by the legislature for that offense.

What is the usual sentence for a first time felony retail theft conviction in the state of Illinois?

The penalty for retail theft in Illinois is up to one year in prison and a maximum fine of 2,500 US dollars. Where the value of the good stolen exceed 300 US dollars, the jail term is from 2 to 5 years.

Is taking a horse theft?

Yes! Taking anything that's not yours is a doesn't matter what it is.whether its a horse or a piece of bubblegum. You could call it Grand Theft Pony.

Is it legel to hang someone for horse theft in minnesota?

Being the laws for certain types of theft will vary greatly the best thing to do would be to contact a local attorney that specializes in theft of property. However in most areas horse theft is considered grand theft and is punishable by the laws pertaining to grand theft. The typical sentence is jail time, community service, and fines. In areas where horse theft is punishable by hanging (such as Texas) the accused suspect must still be arrested and go before a legal court system.

In the US what is the penalty of 5 counts of theft?

It depends on the ammount stolen, your history and most importantly the state or country. For example, here in Utah in the US, your 3ed theft conviction is automatically a felony (0-5 years. If it is 5 counts in the same trial its not so bad but your still in alot of trouble. Either way, if this is you, get a lawyer.