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Q: What is the paw pad colour of an American Eskimo Dog?
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Related questions

Can you train your adult dog to pee on a pee pad?

Every time yer dog pees on the floor, pick her up or take her to the pee pad and lightly scold it when it doesn't go on the pee pad. If you take it to the pad everytime he does it on the floor, he will evevtually learn he has to go on the pee pad/

What do you need to potty train a dog?

1: doggy pad 2: a treat to help the puppy/dog concentrate 3: and a few toys around the doggy pad to make the puppy/dog like and be actracted to the pad. still want the steps?? email me at

How do you un pee pad train your dog I want my dog to go outside?

try putting the pee pad outside. make sure the dog knows that it's outside. every time the dog pee's in the house, you need to let the dog know that that's bad by saying no in an angry voice and putting it outside. once the dog starts peeing outside, you can get rid of the pee pad.

Have you done a wee?

first of all take your dog in the area u want it to use the wee wee pad have treats in ur hand place it on the pad with the dog need to go and it eat on the pad all the time which will cause to just come on the pad any time it need to go go go!

How can you stop a seven months old dog to stop chewing and destroying it's wee wee pad?

You can try using bitter apple spray on the wee wee pad to deter the dog from chewing it. Provide plenty of appropriate chew toys to redirect the dog's chewing behavior. Supervise the dog closely and correct him with a firm "no" whenever he tries to chew the wee wee pad.

What is the bottom pf a dog hind foot called?

The bottom of the dog's paw is called the pad.

Your puppy only pees on her wee wee pad but poops right next to it How do you train her to do both on pad?

You can try moving the poop onto the wee wee pad immediately after she goes next to it, so she associates it with the pad. You can also try using positive reinforcement when she goes on the pad, like treats or praise, to encourage her to use it consistently for both pee and poop. Consistency and patience are key in training her to use the pad for both.

Can you stretch water colour pad paper?

no- it will only tear. Canvas is the only material you can stretch

Your dog has a swollen pad on her foot and keeps licking it she limps and does not want us to touch it?

It sounds as if your dog has an infected pad or something is stuck in it or between the pads/toes. If he will not allow you to feel around the pad then he should be seen by the vet asap. He is suffering with pain. Good luck!

What action should be taken my dog ate a hemorrhoid pad?

im sure your dog would be fine,only if there is no blood on it

Can a dog bleed to death from a cut on the pad of his paw?

no i don't think so

Is it OK if your dog gets ink on his paw?

Yes, it is OK, but if any irritation occurs on the pad take your dog to a vet immediantly.