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The opossum is the only North American mammal which is a marsupial, and therefore has a pouch.

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Q: What is the only animal from America that has a pouch?
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What pouch animal is native to America?


What is the name for animal that keeps baby in pouch?

Marsupials are animals which carry their young inside a pouch. Most known are the Kangaroo and Wombat. Marsupials are most prevalent in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly Australia and South America. The only common marsupial known to be in the Northern Hemisphere is the opossum.

Whats the name of a stuffed animal that you can stuff its body into the front pouch?

If it has a pouch, it must be a marsupial.

Furry marsupail what is it?

a marsopail is an animal with a pouch

How is a wombat's back pouch useful?

Wombats have just one pouch, not a "back pouch". What they do have is a backward-facing pouch, and this is useful because the wombat is a burrowing animal. When the female burrows, the dirt does not fly into the pouch where the wombat joey lies.

What animal starts with the letter B and has a pouch?


What is an animal with a true body cavity?

A kangaroo has a pouch

What do you call an animal that carrys its baby in its pouch?

A kangaroo

What is the relationship between kangaroo and marsupial?

A marsupial is an animal that has a pouch. A kangaroo has a pouch so it is considered a marsupial. A kangaroo uses the pouch to carry their young after they give birth.

What boy animal gives birth?

Boy animals do not give birth. The only animal that can even closely do that is the male seahorse, but it technically does not give birth. It just stores the eggs in its pouch.

What is one animal that lives only in America?

The pronghorn.

What animal is only found in North America?
