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Q: What is the oldest age a German shepherd conceive?
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What age should you buy a German shepherd puppy?

10 weeks is the best age to buy

At what age does a male German Shepherd become fertile?

From 7 months to a year...

How much money is a big German shepherd?

400 to 800 depending on age and breed pureness

What age does a German Shepherd cant breed?

A female shouldn't breed on her first ever cycle.

Are seizures more prominent with German Shepherd's?

German Shepard's are not usually prominent with seizures. What they are prominent to though is cancer which is usually at an older age.

How many grams do you need to feed your German shepherd puppies?

Depends on their make them stronger feed them "royal canin junior for German shepards"

How old is the oldest woman to conceive naturally?

The oldest woman to conceive naturally is thought to be Dawn Brooke, who gave birth to a son in 1997 at the age of 59. However, there have been other reported cases of women in their 50s conceiving naturally.

How old is the oldest woman to concieve naturally?

The oldest woman to conceive naturally and give birth without fertility treatments was Rajo Devi Lohan, at the age of 70 in 2008.

When does a German Shepherd reach full growth?

Dogs are full grown at one year old. actually German shpeherds are done growing physically and mentally after the age of 3 whoever said dogs are full grown at one year obviously has no idea what they are talkin about.. MOST breeds are full height at 1.5-2 years, and generally are full weight at 3..

What to feed a 8 week German shepherd?

A 2 week old German Shepherd puppy should be eating mother's milk. DO NOT REMOVE A DOG THIS AGE FROM THE MOTHER. If the mother is unavailable, consult with a vet immediately.

When can you worm German shepherd pups?

Every month until 6 months of age and then every 3 months , hope this helps

Can a German Shepherd be in heat at 5 months?

This is possible. But mainly not till 6 to 12 months of age will you have to start to worry much