Depends on the breed/size of the mother dog. However, smaller breeds have been known to produce smaller litters compared to their medium and large breed counterparts, but can and sometimes do have what are considered to be "abnormally large" Litters for their "size".
Yes you can if it breeds with a smaller dog.
The Great Dane is the second tallest dog breed, smaller only than the Irish Wolfhound.
It's a smaller breed of a Grey Hound. ( like a miniature Grey Hound ) they are a small breed of dog smaller than a grey
Chocolate labs are the breed itself. If you wanted a smaller dog, you would want a female dog because they tend to be smaller. However, almost all chocolate labs are male. To get a smaller dog I would go with a black lab or a yellow lab.
A peek-a-poo is not a pure breed dog. Peek-a-boos are part pure breed Pekingese and part pure breed Poodle. Some are breed with Toy poodles which result in smaller dogs.
It is normal for any dog breed to eat grass
"Min Pin" is short for Miniature Pinscher, a breed of dog.
they can breedSomething to think about here is the size of the dogs. A chihuahua is a small breed and a coon dog is very much bigger so this could kill the smaller dog if it is the female.
It's up to you... but I would recommend a smaller dog like a Papillon.
A normal pulse rate for a healthy adult, while resting, can range from 60 to 100 beats per minute (BPM). During sleep, this can drop to as low as 40 BPM; during strenuous exercise, it can rise as high as 200-220 BPM. Generally, pulse rates are higher in younger people.