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In generic terms applicable to males and females, you can refer to them as cloistered, or living in a cloister. The Shakespearean "Nunnery" is more often referred to as a convent. If the convent is run by an Abbess (a particular rank of the sisterhood) it can be referred to as an Abbey.

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Q: What is the name of the place where nuns live in?
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What is the name of the house the catholic nuns live in?

Nuns can live in a monastery, and abbey, or a convent.

Where did medieval nuns live?

Nuns have always lived in monasteries. They are sometimes called an Abbey, but the Abbey strictly refers to the Church, while "monastery" refers to the entire complex. "Monastery" can refer to a place where Nuns live, or where monks live. The archaic term for where Nuns live and work was "Nunnery."

Where does a Convent live?

A convent doesn't live anywhere because it is not alive. A convent is what you call the place where nuns live.

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Monks live in monasteries, and nuns live in convents or in monasteries.

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In a monastery or abbeyMonks live in monasteries, and nuns live in convents or in monasteries.

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No, nuns generally live in convents, not under bridges.

Nuns live in the middle ages?

Nuns lived in a nunnery.

Who normally lives in'monasteries?

A monastery is a place where nuns and/or monks live. Some of the nuns devote their lives to God so they only live and work inside the monastery instead of a working as a teacher or other profession outside the monastery.

Are there still nuns today?

Yes. Some live there a full life time.ANSWER 2:Monks live in monasteries; nuns live in convents or abbeys.

In the middle ages where does nuns live?

A nunnery

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Nuns and monks live in convents or monasteries.

Is there a difference between Buddhism pagoda and monastery?

A pagoda is a type of temple, mainly in China or Japan, and a monastery is a place where monks and nuns live and work.